Guidelines of Play During COVID-19 - Last Updated March 23, 2021

S3 Boston reserves the right to update the following guidelines as needed and as new federal and local guidelines are released.

It is the players responsibility to adhere to the guidelines on how to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19. The guidelines outlined by the CDC can be found here:

Should you, or someone you live with, come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you are required to inform us by emailing


All players are required to submit a Health Testament prior to each game. The Health Testament can be found here and will be included in the details email sent to each registered player.


Only league players, substitute players, referees, umpires and S3 staff members are allowed on the field during permitted time. This includes the dugouts, bleachers and benches. Spectators and pets are not allowed.

League players are required to practice social distancing on the field. After the game concludes, all teams are required to leave the field immediately. Arriving teams must wait for departing teams to leave before taking the field for their game.

There will be no post-game handshake. Please waive to the opposing team to say “good game!”


S3 recommends that everyone bring their own supplies to the game (i.e - softball bats, gloves, etc). You are not permitted to share personal equipment with anyone within the league.

Softball and Kickball: S3 will sanitize any shared equipment after the 2nd, 4th and 6th inning, and between games.

Beach Volleyball: Volleyballs will be wiped down mid-match.


S3 Boston will have hand sanitizer and extra masks on hand should a player need it.

S3 Boston requires all participants to wear masks throughout the duration of the game. A mask must be worn even when fielding (softball/kickball) and during all play.

S3 staff are required to wear masks.


Captains, or the appointed Captain of the day, will be required to send a list of all players who attended the game at the conclusion of the game.

Umpires will be required to report any issues to S3 staff. Should any of the guidelines be violated, S3 reserves the right to remove any participant from the league without refund.

Remember - we are all in this together. We all want to get back on the field to play. Adhering to the safety guidelines is the only way we will be back on the field.

Softball/Kickball specific rules:

  • Masks must be worn throughout the game.
  • S3 will sanitize any shared equipment after the 2nd, 4th and 6th inning, and between games.
  • Players may stand outside the dugout to allow for social distancing, but not on the field of play.
  • Catchers must stand 6 feet behind the batter when possible.
  • A strike mat will be used which will allow umpires to further distance themselves from the catcher.
  • Umpires will wear masks and gloves as per USA Softball Guidelines.
  • A new softball will be used for every game and the previously used softball will be cleaned.
  • It is recommended that all players use their own equipment while participating. This includes gloves, bats, etc.
  • As a reminder, any tobacco products are not allowed on the field, in any form.

Outdoor/Beach Volleyball specific rules:

  • Masks must be worn while participating.
  • We understand social distancing is impossible when playing Beach Volleyball. We ask that you social distance in between matches, during water breaks.
  • The referee is required to wipe down the ball in between matches.