NFL Confidence Pool

Football season is almost here (the days are numbered!) and it’s time for S3 Boston’s Confidence Pool. What is that you ask? It’s an alternative to fantasy football where all you have to do is guess who will win and assign a point value to each game, each week. For complete details, see “How To Play” below. Of course, it is 100% optional to join, but if you are a football fan and looking for an interesting pool, join us! Believe me, anyone can win.

Read the email thoroughly as it covers all important details.

How To Play:
Pick the winners of every game for the week and assign a point value for every winner (the winner you are most confident about, you give the most points, and the least confident you give the least points). Here is an example for theoretical week 1:
Denver 16 (If Denver wins, you get 16 points, if they lose you get 0)
Pittsburgh 15
Indianapolis 14
New England 13
St. Louis 12
San Francisco 11
Washington 10
Seattle 9
Houston 8
New Orleans 7
Kansas City 6
Detroit 5
Chicago 4
Dallas 3
Tampa Bay 2
Miami 1

What’s The Buy-In?
$50 buy-in for the year.
In order to determine the payout structure before the season starts, all payments must be sent by Friday August 24th (preferably ASAP). Those who don’t pay by the 25th, are subject to removal from the league. #Don’tbethatguy


How to pay:
Please send your admittance to the league through PayPal (details below)
Send $50 to
Here are the instructions on how to send money using PayPal:

Click “sending money to family and friends” to avoid paying fees.

How Do I Sign up?
Click here to join:
Group#: 4808
PW: s3123
Picks Deadline
Picks are due 5 minutes before each game (so forgetting there is a Thursday night game won’t hurt you too much). Since it will be done electronically, late picks will not be accepted and will result in a 0.
We will drop the lowest scoring week of your season as accident forgiveness or simply in case you were on vacation (physically or mentally).
Bye weeks have 14 games instead of 16, so the highest points for that week will be 14.
There will be payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places (Amounts TBD).
Pool ends after the regular season.
We do not play against the spread. For those who just said, “what the hell does that mean?”, the good news is, you don’t have to worry about it :).
Good Luck!